Since 2012, the AEC offers a post-doctoral program, with emphasis on Automotive Engineering, at Poli-USP.
The program may last from three months to two years, with the option for being renewed. The applicant has to hold a PhD degree.
The application to conduct post-doctoral studies must be forwarded by an AEC professor, to be approved by the Poli-USP Research Committee (the major document is the research plan, agreed between the applicant and the supervising professor). The necessary means for developing the research activities must be provided by the professor.
The regulations for the post-doctoral program are provided in Resolution nº 6016 of USP, published in the State of São Paulo Official Gazette on October 12, 2011.
Scholarships: Funding agencies offer scholarships to applicants for full-time and exclusive dedication to the post-doctoral program. Among them are Fapesp, Capes and CNPq, which provide information in their sites regarding eligibility criteria, terms, edicts, necessary documents, etc.